Partial Short Kit and Plans of the
Jim Mears RAUNCHY Vintage Control Line 36” Wingspan Combat Model Plane
Perfect for the scratch builder who wants a 'head start'!
I wanted to build and fly this plane not only because it was one of the most popular combat planes of its era, I wanted a plane that was the same month and year of my birth.
Being a scratch builder, it was a simple enough plane to build. Since then, I have put together a Raunchy Control Line combat model for .19 to .35 power in a partial SHORT kit form. I redrew in CAD all the unique parts like ribs, wing tips, booms and such and can make exact reproductions with my commercial laser machine. Among the few build improvements I made retaining the original integrity of the plan, I also added ¼” wing jig holes to the ribs and eliminated the control line holes on the non-control side. I also redrew parts and stitched together the entire plane on the plans. Added actual scale drawings of the left (control) side of the wing in the event you wanted to scratch build this or need to make replacement parts.
I am not doing this to make a living. I am wanting to contribute to the revival of the Control Line flying hobby, and I charge just enough to cover all expenses plus a little for the effort (took me at least 50 hours to redraw and rework the original paper plans).
Although it is an easy enough control line plane to build this kit is not recommended for the beginner. You should have a solid scratch build skill level and some model airplane fabrication experience.
This kit includes only the 22 parts shown as cut in pictures and as listed below. The kit has only balsa wood and plywood laser cut parts.
Each kit is cut as ordered and is considered a ‘custom product and I only use genuine SIG balsa and plywood.
This Brand New Short Kit Includes the following 22 laser cut pieces.
- 12 Precision Laser cut wing ribs with 1/4" rod alignment tool jig holes
- Precision Laser cut Left and Right Wing Tips
- Precision Laser cut Stabilizer
- Laser cut Engine mount spacer block (four 1/8" balsa glued to make 1/2" thick)
- Laser cut Engine pod material (four 1/8" balsa glued to make 1/2" thick)
- Precision Laser cut 1/8" Ply Bell crank platform
- Precision Laser cut 1/8" Ply Left and Right Boom
Options- Set of updated Scale printed or digital plans
- Copy of the build notes as taken from the original Model Airplane News April 1964 (as uploaded to the Outerzone website).
22 Laser Cut Balsa and Plywood Parts in All
Additional items that may be needed NOT included in the kit but not limited to additional balsa pieces like leading and trailing edge, balsa sticks and stringers, engine mount hardwood, wire and wheels for landing gear, bell-crank, horns, rods, covering, paint, etc..
At minimum, you will need to have the following to complete the build.
- one 1/2" x 1/2" x 36" for leading edge
- two 1/8" x 1/2" x 36" for spars
- one 1/2" x 3/8" x 12" maple motor mount
- couple inches of 1/4" dowel
- two 1/16" x 3" x 36" hard trailing edge and planking
The plane in the picture is for illustration only and is NOT included. The photos were copies of the original article in Model Airplane News from April 1964.
Please don’t expect for more than what is listed above regarding the laser cut wood parts.
This is a SHORT KIT that contains all the unique parts, you supply the stock sticks, sheets, and hardware, etc.
Please ask any questions before purchasing.